Trip to the Beach

Monday, August 07, 2006

The Adventure Begins
Most of you know that Nick and I volunteered to come to India with Maranatha India. It is a humanitarian organization that builds orphanages, schools, etc. where they are needed. We are trying to impact people in such a way that they can live better lives!
We were given the opportunity to come here through our good friend Brittnie Clark. Her dad is the country director for Maranatha India, and she put us in touch with him. After speaking with him on the phone and a lot of prayer, we found ourselves slated to come to India for at least a year, starting in July! So sometime in March or April, our lives took on a double work load. Not only were we trying to plan our wedding that took place at the end of May, we were trying to organize our transition to another country. There were visas to apply for, shots to be administered, pets to find homes for, and the list goes on and on! But by the grace of God we were successful in finishing everything before we were scheduled to leave. And our wedding went off without a hitch! It was a beautiful affair! And hopefully, I will have pictures posted online soon for all to view!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is so fun! we can go on your trip but without all that scary driving!
sounds like you guys are having fun. Take care
Love, Cyndi (and Dayle)

11:54 AM


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