Trip to the Beach

Monday, October 02, 2006

You Know You're In India When . . . .

1. Beef isn't on the menu at McDonald's
2. Straight men hold hands while they walk together
3. A head shake no means yes.
4. A cow sleeping on the street is normal.
5. A good dessert is called a barfy.
6. Cricket is no longer an insect.
7. You haven't seen a trash can in days.
8. Security guards carry flint lock rifles.
9. 15 people cut in line and it's normal
10. You hear a Beethoven song when a car is in reverse.

More pictures for your enjoyment . . . .

On a recent trip to the south, we discovered an awesome resturant in a town called Cuddapah. In this photo, Justin and our translator Surya are posing with the bus boy.

A giant haystack. These can be seen dotting the countryside. The hay is cut by hand and carried on the head or back of the village women. It is a pretty amazing sight because these women are quite tiny.

A villager cultivating a rice patty!

The plowing is done, so now they get a bath.

As our visit to their village drew to a close, all of the kids crowded around our car to say goodbye.

After many hours of traveling from village to village, it was time for a cool drink break! There's always time for a Fanta!

A Hindu Temple.

The villagers show off their handy work with homemade brooms.
Cheer up mate, it's not so bad!
This kid is dressed like Anama, the Hindu Monkey god. The kid was dressed like this for the Ganesh festival, a festival honoring the Hindu god Ganesh.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Amber and Dean - I enjoy your blog so very much! I just printed 29 pages which went back to the little girl dressed for the Garnesh festival. I wish there was more on a page but since I have color printer the pictures are great! This should all be made into a book some day. I am anxious to see and read about your adventurers this winter. I've lost you e-mail address but I'm not sure you you would receive it anyway. Keep writing - Grandma S.

11:45 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...


9:17 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good 2 see whats up with u 2. Keep up with the news,be safe,may God bless and keep u. Thanks Amber for your phone call on my birthday.I wish I had answered,so we could have talked. Love U Guys--jer

9:29 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

thanks for the insiders look at India.

7:20 PM


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