Trip to the Beach

Monday, January 08, 2007

Mama Bodark found some straw for a bed. She had a litter of pups about 2 months ago. When we first met her, she was young, happy and always seemed to be smiling. With time, she's had to survive on the streets, and has lost most of her pups. She doesn't carry the same youthful smile she once had, but she always wags her tail and runs up to us when we're around.

She had her pups behind an enclosed, 5 foot high concrete wall. The area is safe, and the pups can't get out until they are big enough to jump over the wall. But, there isn't a lot of food in there. Mama caught them a bird the other day, and she brings in whatever she can. Several days ago I looked over the wall to see one pup attempting to eat a pup that had just died. We buried the dead one, and got them some dog food as a replacement.

The little ones haven't seen people before, and aren't quite ready to come up to us. They are very curious, and like the new food. They like to bark at us, run away, run back, bark, and run away again.

From left: Melvin, Moses and Molly Bodark

Mama dog always knows when we go in there, and she comes in to see. She whimpers in a certain way that brings the pups closer. Thus far, we feed them once a day. We're going to be out of town for 3 weeks, and the dogs will be without their soup kitchen. But after we come back, we should be around for a while, so if they live, you'll see more pictures of Molly, Moses and Melvin.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Cute dogs-To bad you can't brings them home. Glad your back on the blog!
Mom D

10:53 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

We're off to a fast and furious 2007 here in the States. We always enjoy pausing for your blog. So refreshing! Thank you for your service to the Lord....truly yours and His...The Ashburns

12:51 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

amber and nick...great blogs and pics. i'm absolutely amazed and proud at all you both are doing. thanks so much for visiting me in the hospital. i did have to go back in...spent 27 of the last 32 days in the hospital, but home now! Praise the LORD!!! keep the great blogs and info coming! love-amanda

10:14 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love the dogs but hope she is ok with her pups while you are away. I hate for animals to suffer. You guys have a great year ahead.
God bless!
thanks for the blogs etc.
The Birneys

7:58 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

The dogs are so cute!! Is there anyone around you can give the dog food to so they can eat while your gone. Poor little things, I hope they make it. Amazing pictures!!
Amy O

7:05 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey there,I just wanted to say yall's pictures are phenomenal! I love them so much. May God continue to bless you guys. Ciao!
-Camerina G.

2:41 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good for people to know.

8:34 AM


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