Some fun signs we found along the way . . .
Before we say cherrio to the UK, we wanted to share a few funny signs, etc. that we found on our journey. Hope you enjoy!

A Pub in Edinborough!
Warning for all the stupid Americans who visit!!
WalMart has made it to Great Britain
Another pub in Edinborough
A sign on a resturant in Edinborough
If you look close, this car has a Dixie Flag (Stars and Bars) Bumper Sticker
We found these packs of cigarettes hilarious, but it is a law in the UK. These warnings are on every pack of cigarettes!
Hey, I really enjoy the pictures. I want to see one of your house now. Nick I didn't get your email.If I did I accidentally deleted it.
Mom Shobe
9:13 PM
For your information - the cigarette packs are even more gruesome here! There's photos on them here. Pretty amazing. Love the stories. Incredible journey so far. How's the work. I've been without phone for a few days (see blog) and we're moving house tonight. SHould have phone tomorrow. How's the lungs in India?? Blowing dirt out your nose yet??
5:32 PM
For your information - the cigarette packs are even more gruesome here! There's photos on them here. Pretty amazing. Love the stories. Incredible journey so far. How's the work. I've been without phone for a few days (see blog) and we're moving house tonight. SHould have phone tomorrow. How's the lungs in India?? Blowing dirt out your nose yet??
5:32 PM
my brother-in-law is from there! his name is richard and he has pick under that same pub. . funny! :)
7:52 PM
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